You got your left hand. You got your right hand. The left hand is diddling while the right hand goes to work.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Alliance for Prudent Bon Mot Use

I have a bad cold right now, so I was interested by a story in the AP wire about how much rhinovirus people leave behind in hotel rooms. (Long story short: Those bastards leave virus everywhere . . . except the toilet handle.) But how does this apply to life at home?
Dr. Stuart Levy, a Tufts University physician who heads the Alliance for Prudent Antibiotic Use, advocates lots of hand washing and not going overboard trying to de-bug your home.

"How clean do you need to be? You don't go through with a blowtorch," he said.
Ahahahaha. Well, thanks a hell of a lot.

I got your Alliance right here, doc.

The Unknown Defendant

You won't see this strategy on Law & Order. Boston Legal, maybe. From the AP:
A man accused of theft arrived for a preliminary hearing wearing a cardboard box on his head in an effort to conceal his identity.

Justin Michael Kalich, 26, wore the box at the suggestion of his lawyer while he waited outside a judge's office for an appointment Thursday morning.

"I'm trying to think outside of the box, so to speak," attorney Jeff Leonard said.
And his lawyer "made it go away," with no time. Just one question: Why "reel wire"?